With Halloween a few days later, perhaps we can't help but think of owls this time of year, but naturalists and ornithologists privileging the owls in fall and winter due to their unique lifestyle.
Mass Audubon has been protecting birds, wildlife and nature in the State of the Bay from more than 100 ans.Elissa Landre, Director of the sanctuary shrine of Mass Audubon Broadmoor in Natick, recently spoke with the Daily News on this mysterious group of birds.
Q: what is different from other birds makes owls?
A: what is particularly interesting for humans and unique is their court and race in winter .c ' is the part of the attraction. And they are nocturnal.
Q: how important are hot?
A: they are raptors. They eat other animals. Because they are nocturnal, they help control, the population of nocturnal rodent, small animals that they can pick up during the night.
Q: you cannot see the souvent.Ils are shy?
A: this is because they are nocturnal. Hear us to see because it was dark. They are not necessarily tentative.They can see you, but you cannot see. They have great hearing and it is how they find their prey.
Sometimes, you'll see an OWL during the day. It will be resting, dormir.Un bird can fly near, then they are under (when start many crows cawing loudly) .If you hear a bunch of crows calling, follow calling - you can see something. (The call is) to hunt birds of prey, generally owls and hawks. It is a good way to see an OWL during the day.Follow the call.
In November, December (owls) began Cour.Les male and females can begin to call each other, they are much more active. December to February is when you're more likely to see.
Q: why are hot associated with Halloween?
A: I think that because their calls are strange to humans, and because they are by nuit.Ils seem mysterious (US).You can imagine (early human) sitting around the fire from way back, in caves and others.Heard these sounds, you might think that they are spirits.I imagine that mythology way back.
Q: what people learn at OWL Mass Audubon program?
A: they discover the three most common owls in the region;what they look like sound.They may not see their but if it (a programme of outdoor), they will be outside with a naturaliste.Ils see you and hear all sorts of things.
If you're lucky, you'll hear the and sometimes you may see an or the form will.(Broadmoor welcome) Festival Owl on February 5 living owls and opportunities emerge and take walks.
(Programmes) are for families, all ages, and other aim primarily at the festival adultes.Le is the best for families so that they can see leur.Nous cannot guarantee that the the domaine.La (for outdoor program) ideal group size is 10-15 (people) purposesyou need to advance because we don't like to have to turn people away.
Q: How can people get involved?
A: The Owl Reporter (program) helps to find where owls is being viewed by persons outside of the sanctuary) .c ' is where the scientific citizen can aider.Ils can help locate the (compliance) for the interactive Google map.(After a comment is declared), we will often trying to find the OWL, evidence of reproduction.
A lucky person might find a nest of owls (at home) .Petits Dukes are very adaptable - they might be in your own backyard.
Sanctuary Broadmoor is 280 Eliot St., Natick.visitez www.massaudubon.org/owls for more information on programs of OWL and walks all around Massachusetts or sign up to be a reporter chouette.Sur Web site, you can also hear recordings of calls to the owls with photos and more information on each of the species.
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