There is a strong fascination with the mermaid, when it comes to a costume or an unusual get up for a go as you like party or a fancy dress party. For Halloween of 2009, which is just around the corner, it is the mermaid halloween costume that seems to be high up on the popularity list.
It is interesting to know how this fascination began.
The earliest reference to a mermaid, as we know of it to-day, a mythological aquatic creature with a female human head and torso and the tail of an aquatic animal such as a fish, dolphin or seal, can be found in the story of Atargatis.
In the year 1000 BC, Atargatis, a goddess, loved a mortal shepherd and in the process killed him.
Filled with remorse and ashamed of her act she plunged herself into a lake to take the form of a fish. Unfortunately, the waters of the lake could not conceal her mesmerizing beauty, so she took the form of a mermaid, human above the waist, fish below.
There are many cultures around the world have similar figures, typically depicted without clothing.
The fascination for the mermaid among little children goes back a long way, as early as the middle of the 19th century, with the success of Hans Christian Anderson's stories and fairy tales, among which was The Little Mermaid.
The current level of fascination, especially among the adult and mature women started with Darryl Hannah and her portrayal of that sexy mermaid in the Disney blockbuster 'Splash'. Every woman, no matter of what age or disposition would love to make a SPLASH looking the way Darryl Hannah looked, even if it is for only a few hours.
Disney further contributed to making the mermaid a firm favorite by producing feature length animated films of their already famous cartoon character Ariel.
The idea of looking like the sexy siren of the sea, dressed in an interesting get up of a seashell bikini top, long flowing red hair and glittery spangled costumes, appeals to adult women of all ages, making the mermaid Halloween costume an all time favorite.
Children Mermaid Costumes: What do they have to include?
Since Ariel is a Trade Mark property of Disney, most ready made costumes that can be bought at any costume retailer or on the internet come in similar patterns, keeping to the standard blue bikini top with a green skirt and tail.
As the licensed cartoon character Ariel, is never depicted wearing anything in between, many mermaid costumes fill in with a flesh-colored body suit. The outfit is made authentic by completing it with a seashell tiara and a red wig.
Adult Women Mermaid Costumes: What do they have to include?
Mermaid costumes for adults have become one of the most, if not the most, popular costumes for Halloween these days. Most vintage mermaid costumes are made up of transparent and watery shades of blue and green, but glitter is fast becoming an in thing with metallic gold and shades of silver.
Most youngsters lookout for something different, as they like the idea of wearing costumes in purple, red, and other lively colors. Long red wigs and sea shell hair accessories seem to be the common part in all types of costumes.
The tail is the most important part of a Mermaid Costume.
The most important aspect of a mermaid costume is the tail, with which the illusion is not complete. Most costume manufacturers manage to provide the desired look with tight tapered skirts ending at the ankle, while some attach a tail that drags behind.
Would it be a Mermaid Halloween Costume for you in 2009?
Noel Benjamin D'Costa became an Internet marketer out of sheer necessity. Losing his voice to cancer he had to search for alternative gainful employment that did not involve talking or the need to uses his voice. He became an internet market and used his WebPages as his voice.
Noel has currently over 50 live websites selling physical consumer goods, digital products and affiliate promotions
Visit his blog Mermaid Halloween Costume to get the latest Little Mermaid Costume.
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