Friday, July 29, 2011

Halloween: PR Style! (Viewed: 1187)

Halloween is arrived at big step and this means that many of us must decide on a costume to wear. The best presentations are creation and ubiquitous original?the hacker and zombie costumes won?t fair Cup year after year ? if you feel as is costume in an imaginative costume this year, here's a unique idea costume: ? A professional PR!

Unfortunately, you cannot go to the nearest store Halloween at Indianapolis and find a pro PR costume. However, if there was an it might incorporate these elements in traditional costumes.

Shield Gladiator and sword: PR pros to fight for our clients to obtain better coverage. There is a saying that the pen is mightier than the sword, in which case the PR pros already have superior costume accessory.

Cape of Superman/Superwoman: PR pros must be great at what they do. Must be a brave person to wear a Cape, and some PR pros can certainly take off the coast.

Wand of Harry Potter Wizard: as assistants, we know how to get things in thin air. Give us an angle low history and we?ll the beef to the data.

Mark Zuckerberg mask: this mask reflects the importance of social media in public relations. You can print your own mask here:

Pocket protector and nerdy glasses: Let?s the face. We?re Geeks! All successful PR pros share traits commonly associated with being a geek: 1) we?re to conduct research; (and 2). We love information analysis.

Jersey Shore hair styles: this year, "hot" costume is to dress as one of the members of the cast of MTV "Jersey Shore." PR pros, we must remain current on the latest news and trends - it is simply ?Situation? (pun intended). We be ?fresh to death! ?

Character of Rock Star: as the stars of rock, PR pros often work late nights, are able to engage a broad audience and, as the trash hotel rooms. Error - just kidding on the last time.

Additional accessories might include a large cup filled with coffee in one hand and a Blackberry or an iPhone in the other. Did any how you look at it, costume pro PR is definitely creative and accurate. Happy halloween!

View the original article here


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