Saturday, September 3, 2011

Halloween costumes are the pleasure of holiday for adults, too

It has been long since you went door to shout: "trick or treat!" But just because you're not a kid does not mean that you can't have a good macabre time for Halloween. There are many fun ways to spend the night March of the year with no more pups in tow.

The first item on your list should be to get a great costume. For really in the spirit of the night, go beyond the basis of costumes for Halloween. The regular cat paired with your clothes ears not quite cut. Dress up in costumes of the year the most requested costs as much as you would expect - you can easily find them at low prices online from retailers such as

There are so many costume options out there that it may be difficult to decide what to wear. One of the most important elements of a memorable suit is perhaps that it says something about the past year. It is the ideal way to have fun and start conversations to any party. Here are some of the top video adults Halloween costumes:

* Lady Gaga. It dominated the charts and American pop culture throughout the year, and it is known, for its extravagant costumes, as well as its catchy songs. If you have no time to sew together a few dozen Kermit the frog dolls to make a costume, rest easy: Gaga formally authorized a number of eyes that are directly from a video clip.

* Avatar. One of the greatest films of all time, Avatar was all about the visuals. The characters of Na' now iconic Vi are large sources of inspiration. If you are looking for sexy costumes, this could be the way to go: a combination of blue grinding with tiger-like stripes and a loincloth will certainly get some attention.

* Alice in the land of wonders. If you feel a little wacky, why not do it yourself in a world where pink flamingos will double croquet mallets, pocket watches for the rabbits and the jabberwocky is a natural predator? Go crazy, crazy Red Queen or Alice Hatter in his blue and white pinafore dress and your night will wonderfully world upside down.

If you go with trends or opt for a more traditional costumes, consider these ideas to celebrate all Hallow Eve:

* A progressive party. Ranging from door to door for sweets may be for adults, too. Get with neighbors and friends and open your doors for a day moving from House to the other. Organize a menu of snacks and drinks at each location where guests can enjoy a before moving on to the next House. If alcoholic beverages are served, be sure to designate drivers.

* Scary movie screening. Use this white sheet for a ghost costume - hang it up outdoors for an evening of cinema en plein air. Digital projectors are easy to rent and can make your own backyard in the cinema of fortune. Then just choose a few DVD fun and frightening, blankets lay down for a seating area and pass the popcorn and candy.

Host your own party or go to a friend, but not be outweighed by the other party lovers. Having a costume that goes beyond the regular get macabre will make it is a night to remember.

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