Sunday, December 25, 2011

Halloween Costumes For a Long Halloween Weekend - Unique Costume Party Ideas For 2010

This year, Halloween falls on a Sunday night, making for a long Halloween weekend. It's a dream come true for those of us who like dressing up, because there may be as many as 3 or 4 evenings of costumed fun ahead of us, and there's no better time than now to get ready.

You wouldn't wear the same clothes to work for 3 days in a row, and you shouldn't do it for Halloween either. With enough preparation and some creativity, you can easily get your ducks in a row to show up to three different parties in three different Halloween costumes. You can go for a trifecta and try to win the Halloween costume contest three nights in a row!

Try these Halloween costume ideas to make sure you have Halloween fun all weekend.

Friday, you can be everyone's hero when you come dressed as Spider-man, or in any of dozens of other kinds of superhero costumes.

But obviously, like the best of superheroes, you'll want to dress a little differently on Saturday, so that nobody will deduce your secret identity. With that in mind, why don't you try showing a different side of yourself with a menacing supervillain costume. You can never go wrong as a timeless villain like a Darth Vader or the Joker. These and more Halloween costumes are available for sale, especially as early as the spring.

Sunday is usually a day when people want to relax and wind down the weekend. But this year, Sunday is going to give you one last chance for Halloween festivities. Why not make your family Sunday dinner into another dress-up occasion. You can dress all your family and friends up in some festive food costumes! Combine the family meal with some Halloween spirit by serving yourself up in some steak costumes and egg costumes. Balance the meal with some funny fruit costumes, such as some high quality apple costumes and banana costumes. And what's a meal without a tasty beverage? A beer bottle costume or margarita costume can turn your meal into a veritable feast!

On Monday, you'll get to go to work just filled with all kinds of stories about the people you've seen over the weekend--and the people you've been!

And don't forget to browse costume websites, like, where orders for multiple Halloween costumes can save you a lot of money! There are all kinds of costume concepts to browse, including many different sizes of Halloween costumes for kids, and a whole lot of costume ideas for adults!

Nate Kushner
Costume Consultant


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